Monday, January 12, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Crazy, crazy day. Work was I felt completely at home. I love to be busy at work. I really enjoy having a lot to do.

I saw the most shocking thing today. It all happened when a student was signing in at the front desk to speak with an academic adviser. There's a box where the student will fill in what time they arrived in the office. As this particular student started to fill in that box, he looked down at his watch which I took notice of because very few students wear watches. He looked at his watch for moment after which he began to fiddle around in his pocket. I thought to myself.."no. no. surely not. he couldn't. no."......

But I was wrong. Yes. Yes. It surely was. and he did. yes, he pulled out his phone. Looked at the time and filled in the box for his "arrival time". I really want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that his watch was fast or the battery was dead. I assume that by the time you get to college you can tell time (even with the roman numerals) but, contrary to popular belief, I've been wrong before and who's to say he didn't know that the big hand points to the minutes.

Either way, it made for an interesting moment. This has no spiritual significance or any moral take away. Unless you count "don't waste the brain God gave you" . Either way....I'm going to change the clock settings on my phone to analog.

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